Grove Hill Gundogs
+ english pointers
Grove Hill Gundogs is located in Franklinton, NC. We work hard to exercise, train, and socialize our dogs. Our English Pointers have a unique skill set to excel in both field trial competitions and hunting wild birds. They are big runners and can cover a lot of ground. Our German Shorthaired Pointers are great companions as well as exceptional bird hunters. They are great gundogs that hunt close to their owners. The goal of Grove Hill Gundogs is to maintain the kennel with a mix of family pets and hardworking hunting dogs that are both compassionate and obedient.
well bred | athletic | companions
“They clearly care about the welfare of their dogs and puppies … Hendrix is a stunning looking and healthy dog. He has the best personality, so smart, and to this day is the best dog I’ve ever had.”
- The Stewart Family